Sunday, November 2, 2014

塞内加尔和马里 SENEGAL and MALI

奔驰卡车 911 - Mercedes Benz 911 in Mali
If you ever wanted to take yourself out on a trip from Dakar in Senegal to Timbuktu in Mali you will have to experience some nice adventures on the road, specially if you go by truck through these West-African countries.
我曾经和以为非常好的老朋友完成了一次非常特别的旅途,从巴黎到达卡在他们的SUV,他曾决定完成一次冒险的假期,在老旧的卡车上他非常晓得这辆卡车的拉力赛。当时我极其想自己能加入这次假期,仅仅我非常幸运的遇见卡车司机莫哈马德在玛丽安的达卡的港口。他装满货物在他工作在柴油机大泵上,他正一个人准备到他的卡车上,他来自达喀尔的什么地方。一次愉快的英语和法语 谈判似地聊天后,他承担负责我成为他的伙伴驾驶他的奔驰卡车去廷巴克图。
I'd just finished an awesome trip from Paris to Dakar with some good old friends in their SUV's, who decided go for a adventure trip during vacation on the old tracks of its so good known Rally, when I shortly forced myself to extend my vacation for take an additional tour just as I luckily met the Malian truck driver Mohammed in the Port of Dakar. He just fueled up Diesel using a hand pump out of a big barrel, which was brought by a guy with an old pick up truck from somewhere else in Dakar. After an nice talking with severe negotiations in English and French language he offered me a ride as a co-driver in his Mercedes-Benz truck for Timbuktu bound.


Ok it was probably pretty much unusual for me to believe him at the first place. I surely asked myself what happened if I'm going to cross the border without a valid Visa which I usually have to apply for in my home country some weeks before the trip. I also thought that I've never heard about where the heck Timbuktu is located for real but as people always say, just in case if there is a pretty much unknown city far away and nobody knows it, they simply call it somewhere in Timbuktu. Well, Mohammed explained that everything is possible in this two countries and I shouldn't be worry about.

He told me about the new road conditions on the major highways in Mali and Senegal, which both Presidents signed an agreement for and finally implemented the new highway a couple of years ago.
He said, "You need to understand Mali's situation. It is a landlocked country, 90% of whose international trade depends on maritime traffic. Mali must rely on the ports of its neighbors, especially Côte d’Ivoire in the south and Senegal in the west, to move the bulk of its merchandise. A lots of trucks are traveling eastbound for Mali with loads of milk powder, water pumps, gasoline and diesel fuel, electric generators, bulldozers, cement, medical supplies, and hundreds of other items offloaded from ships at the port of Dakar which keeps the landlocked Africa running but only certain loads are leaving Mali. I'd just delivered a load of cotton on the other side of the Port, other drivers also haul lifestock or even salt but the majority of trucks running empty into Senegal to pick up loads for Mali."
We left Dakar with a full load of beverages early in the morning and we made it to the border town Kidira in the night after 650 km of trucking through Senegal. Than we both spent the night in the truck after Mohammed explained about the worse conditions at the hotels in Kidira as well as he wouldn't leave his truck unattended in the line up about 5 km in front of the border checkpoint. Many trucks have no sleepers in Western Africa as well as Mohammed's truck so I took a nap on the passenger seat while Mohammed leaned his head on the steering wheel. Other times he better likes to lay down straight with his feet on the passenger seat, head on the drivers seat but this time he shared his day cab truck in exchange for an nice talking during this trip.

In the next morning we started up traditionally with Senegalese Café Touba, fresh fruits, baguette bread and a long delay until we cleared Customs in Falémé. A Police officer stared at my white face asking me, "For what in the world do you want to visit Mali ?" I told him, I'm just interested in trucking and I wanted to know how other countries may deal with the trucking business. He started laughing and raised his voice in his broken English to let me know clearly, "For Mali you are choosing a very bad country as a tourist", but Mohammed confidently laid his hand on my shoulder telling the officer, "I will take good care off him, he will be safe."
When another officer checked all my personal belongings, he wanted to make sure, I'm not one of those bad guys who are smuggling drugs or weapons into Mali, by the way, they already have lot's of those people around this unmarked border line area who are just need to cross the river either south or north of the checkpoint easily. Finally, because of a little luck, the good mood of the border officer and at least the right fee paid in CFA franc, I got my demanded temporally Visa, valid for one month, and we were good to leave the checkpoint.

边界跨越在Kidira,塞内加尔/马里  - Bordercrossing in Kidira, Senegal / Mali
我们沿路进入马里,我不得不惊讶如此好质量的高速公路。“很多富有的国家帮助修建的从走廊到达喀尔和巴马科之间的公路。”莫哈默德告诉我这件事。不需要惊奇关于这事,例如日本帮助支付三条路径的完成,包括边界跨越 Falemé,那似乎管理马里到森纳格尔的边界。这是偶联盟和德国的KfW支付的从卡特到卡塔共162千米。

On our way into Mali I've been always surprised about the good quality of the new highway. "Some very rich countries helped paying for this Corridor between Dakar to Bamako", Mohammed said. No wonder about that, a grant from Japan helped finance the realization of three components, including the border crossing at Falemé, which exemplifies sound management of the Mali-Senegal border. The European Union and Germany’s KfW financed the Kati-Kita section (162 km) jointly.
West African Truckers proud of the new Corridor Highways

我学到一些关于西非卡车司机的规则。他们很多更像美国小时制度(HOS)在马里叫做Le Code de la Route.它包括轴重和一些关于安全制度。卡车司机不允许驾驶超过4小时不休息和他们仅被允许驾驶8小时/每天。这些时间被记录在一本子里面。我下个这并不是坏事,而正确的时间运行在马里的告诉公路上。同样的规则是在塞内加尔,这里司机需要付费才能奔跑在路上。这里称重的主管非常关心的观察卡车超重和超高问题。莫哈默德的卡车有个轴,这样是被允许重量范围在51吨之内。

I also learned quite little about the rules for truckers in West Africa. They have something like American hours of service (HOS) which in Mali is to be called Le Code de la Route. It also includes axle weights and something about safety. Truck drivers are not allowed to drive more than 4 hours without a break and they are only allowed to drive 8 hours a day which will be recorded in a log book. Not too bad at all I thought and right at that time it appeared the first scale on our way in Mali. Same like in Senegal, here the driver needs to pay a fee for the toll road. The scale master is watching carefully for overweight trucks and the fines could be very high. Mohammed's truck has 6 axles and is allowed to have a total weight of 51 tons.
The scaled weight was shown on the screen: 65 tons. "Don't worry", Mohammed said. "In Mali our law excepts a tolerance until 68 tons of total weight for 6 axle trucks as long the axle weights are within the limit." I said, "WOW!", that's really heavy. The axle weight tolerances will allow you to exceed 9 t. on the steers, 26 t. on the drives and 33 tons on the trailer triples.
收费公路税和法律轨重量  - Toll road taxes and legal axle weights
那天我们行驶了580公里直到安全的地方,路的两边是棕榈树排成行的主路1号高速公路在克罗卡尼的城市。莫哈默德说这是安全停靠地点,因为这是军队的将军卡拉什尼科夫的私人地点,他曾经参加马里的城市之战为卡车公司能关心卡车司机有安全的地点去休息,如此叫做"Les chauffeurs dorment la maison” 那里有安放了床的房间 。在这些房子的一间我们不得不带来我们的食物在这里。那晚我们有一碗高粱米饭和一杯茶之后,我们就休息在吊床上。莫哈默德说,这样保护我们免受小爬行动物的攻击,还有我们那是正谈论关于司机工作在西非的情况和关于一些国家直到很晚的时候莫哈默德似乎非常开心,似乎有新的发现,那可能是第一个人类的相互交流,只是个带着黑色和白色的肌肤,而没有任何区别,只是肤色的不同而已。无论怎样我们双方都累了最终我们不能忍受饥饿而醒来。

This day we drove only 580 km until we stopped for the night on safe ground under palm trees beside the main road RN1 in the town of Kolokani. Mohammed said it is safe to stop at this location because private soldiers armed with Kalashnikov's who previously fought in Mali's civil war get paid by the trucking company to take care of the trucks while drivers rest in the so called "Les chauffeurs dorment la maison" which stands for bed rooms. In the house next to it we had to have our food.
That night we had a bowl of sorghum with rice and a glass of tea before we got rest in hammoks which, Mohammed said so, prevented us to get bitten by all those tiny creeping animals, and we were talking about the truckers job in West Africa and also about many other countries until late in the night and Mohammed seemed to be very happy as I told him, like it has been discovered, that the first humans probably have been black and the white color appeared later through a pigment failure in the skin. However we both have been tired and finally we could not satisfy our hunger of all these information before we fell asleep.

默罕默德的卡车:奔驰车Actros - Mohammed's Truck: Mercedes Benz Actros
第二天早上在5点钟我醒来当莫哈默德决定给他的卡车一个警鸣,脚踩气门用力把所有气体排除以便存储货箱的货车刹车。他检查汽车轮胎情况是否安全,我做到助驾的位置,另外一个人接近我们休息的地方进门给我们拿来了面包并且希望我们 "一路顺风",我们开始行驶在路上。

The following morning I woke up about 5am local time when Mohammed decided to give his truck a warm up with full throttle to pump air pressure in the reservoir for releasing his trailer brakes. He checked the tires for safety and I got back onto the passenger seat as another guy reached us two pieces of bread trough the door wishing us "Bon voyage", and we've been on our way.


It is an interesting travel got now focused along the City of Bamako. Here we crossed the "3eme pont de Bamako" which is the new bridge over the Niger river, build by the Chinese Company Gezhouba Group Ltd  in 2012. At a previous time before the new bridge has been cleared cars and trucks could only make it to the other side by crossing the river through the water, as Mohammed told me there has been a lot's of traffic jam before the new bridge has been opened but he kept calm.
"It is better to be patient, wait, accept patience is the beginning of wisdom", Mohammed told me, "Right bank time is punctuated by the vehicles that arrive and align, estimated is the time it will take."  With other words, delivery appointment is when we get there. This is exactly what I've been told by many professional truck drivers from many different countries.
巴马科桥梁 - Bamako bridge

South of the Niger we headed east for about 230km to the town of Segou from where we needed to stay on RN6 towards Douentza. Mohammed said this day will be over as soon we are in Timbuktu but it seemed like this road never came to an end. Sometimes in good conditions those roads, somehow, turned into a dessert path or the tar has been washed away by flooding water and we was needed to go off the pavement to drive beside the tracks until the road have been good enough to go ahead on it so far. Mohammed said that almost every truck driver has the dream to drive a Semi Truck on endless highways for which this area in Mali is absolutely different.

关于其他200公里在杜安扎北部,我们抵达尼日尔河地带,那是主路结束在左侧一条小路上大约2公里缓行堤坝,是尼日尔河直到我们接近小停靠点,那里我们不得不等待渡船去 Korioumé。

About another 200 km north of Doentza we arrived at the Niger delta again where the main road ended in a left turn on a small way for about 2 km slow driving on a dike onto the Niger river until we reached a little parking lot at which we had to wait for the ferry boat to Korioumé.
Ferry boat on the Niger River south of Timbuktu, Mali

From here we reached our final destination, the village of Timbuktu, just after another 16 km. It is located on the southern edge of the Sahara dessert and I guess it's pretty much impossible to keep trucking north from here except with camels.
往廷巴克图的路标 - Road sign towards Timbuktu (Tombouctou)


Trucking in Mali could be very dangerous specially by night but also during the day. Mohammed always told me to watch for suspicious people who carry a back pack as just in the spring of 2014 jihadists appeared at the Timbuktu's Airport and killed a soldier. In 2012 Timbuktu have been attacked by Tuaregs who took over this town as well as they entered into the capital of Bamako. That time a lot of people flew out into the dessert for camp in tents. Later on French army took the cities back over.


Hard to mention that Mali's neighbor countries Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast and Guinea have big trouble with Ebola. Many people are diseased, many died. According to WHO long haul truck drivers could be particularly at risk, particularly if effective monitoring systems for Ebola are not established at border crossings. Travel restrictions have been imposed by many of the countries bordering Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, further mitigating risks. Nevertheless, the land border between Guinea and Mali remains open and the porosity of borders in the regions makes it difficult for other crossings to be sealed effectively. The first Ebola victim in Mali, a two year old girl, made it already into the country and died.


After some sightseeing with my new friend in Timbuktu Mohammed dropped me off at the Airport to take a flight back to my civilization. I guessed it would be another adventure story about taking a ride from Timbuktu to Morocco on a camel within 52 days like it has been possible until the 90th. Later on those ancient caravan routes disappeared because of border disputes and the drying up of wells. As for Timbuktu, it became a small forgotten town but anyways, I've seen simply enough adventures for now as I checked in for my flight back to Paris via Bamako.

机场廷巴克图,马里 - Airport of Timbuktu, Mali

Thursday, August 14, 2014

天、耶和华或上帝是一个神 - Shang Di, Tian, Yahweh or Yehovah is all the same God

For all of you faithful believers who are interested in worldwide history here are good thoughts about the Chinese people who made themselves very famous by recording history since more than 4,500 years.

Ok, maybe this story isn't even about trucker tales nor anything like that but at least it is about to proof the believe of Christianity which at least keeps a lot of truck drivers safe out there.

Click here to read the interesting story about the Chinese God "ShangDi" and discover a simple illustration about how Early Chinese Language includes important events of the Bible.

我也发现了一些非常有趣的视频在 youtube 上。
I also found some very interesting videos on YouTube.

Very interesting, don't you think ?
God bless y'all, worldwide.